Itza's Great Website Project Failure of 2022

In the fall of 2022, Subfreshman student Itza Garcia was assigned the task of coding a website with HTML or "Hypertext Markup Language" for his computer literacy class. His project was moving slowly, as he needed to make art in preperation for his website idea. But his project was still coming along well, until a huge setback appeared. In late November, Itza had tested positive for COVID-19, the active virus that had been raging around the world since 2019.

At the beginning of his quarantine, Itza had struggled to keep up with most of his classes. He felt overwhelmed being stuck at home, since he would miss every lesson for all of his classes. He missed his friends, he missed his teachers, and he missed school. Soon enough, he couldn't work at a pace steady enough to complete his website on time. Days ever so slowly passed by until it was December 2nd, the due date of his project. Realizing he would never be able to complete his whole project on time, he reached out to his HTML teacher, Mr. Beesley, in disappointment. Two days after Itza sent an e-mail explaining and apologizing for his situation, he was fortunate enough to receive an email back from Mr. Beesley which stated "No problem bud. Relax we can get this done. Hope you feel better." Itza Garcia would then spend the next weekend to finish his website project, which would have the sole purpose of informing readers of "Itza's Great Website Project Failure of 2022."

Pushing all of the formal 3rd person tone out of the way from the summary of my epic story of failure, I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who has tried to help me with this project. I hope you enjoy learning about the concepts and ideas I had for my original website idea that failed.